Communication today requires new languages and higher credibility. We live in an era in which everyone – brands, institutions, governments- must convey values that people can rely on. Incorrect, unclear, worthless information is detrimental not only for customers, but for companies too, who should use communication to gain the trust of their future clients. The same applies to academia, which measures its funding and prestige through the impact of its research on society and through its ability to communicate its results. In order to succeed in engaging the public, it is necessary to take a step towards credible, rigorous, conscientious, science-based and data-rich information.
This is essentially the scientific approach turned into communication.
The Edelman Group – the largest global communications and public relations consultancy – conducted a survey of 22,000 people from 11 countries. This confirmed that trust is considered more important than reputation, product performance, customer satisfaction, employee treatment or working environment. When it comes to choosing what to buy, trust in a given brand (53%) is the second most important factor after price (64%), and this data is independent of geographical areas, age, gender or income levels. In such a scenario it is clear that companies, universities and institutions should invest in creating valuable and rigorous content to strengthen such trust, and thus create a communication channel to reach as directly as possible non-specialist audiences.
To help them in this path, the Monnalisa Bytes Studio was born.
What is Monnalisa Bytes Studio?
Monnalisa Bytes Studio is a spinoff of Monnalisa Bytes | Scientific Storytelling, a new digital and visual science magazine funded by a crowdfunding initiative sponsored by the University of Milan Bicocca in 2020. Monnalisa Bytes Studio offers its experience, its researchers and creative team to all those who want to communicate valuable content while developing branded projects.
The Studio specializes in digital media such as websites, blogs, social platforms, apps and digital magazines, but also works with “traditional” media such as paper, magazines and books. Monnalisa Bytes Studio focuses on conveying the company DNA, its values and its commitment to sustainability and inclusivity using the rigor of the scientific method interwoven with a strong visual impact. The Studio in this way creates a tailored interactive and multimedia language that marks the content experience as immersive, engaging and contemporary, even for the younger generations.
In addition to consulting, we offer courses and seminars in scientific communication and publishing to transmit what we learn every day in the field.
If you want to find out how we can be useful to your brand or project, book a call with us as soon as possible!
Monnalisa Bytes supports universities, organizations, research institutes and individual researchers who need to develop scientific outputs for the public, creating for them a narrative and informative storytelling able to capture the attention, convey the message and ensure the success of the communication campaign. We provide expertise, experience and creativity to produce videos, presentations, reports and editorial projects (both in print and digital formats).
Monnalisa Bytes Studio supports companies that want to develop valuable content to generate the predisposition to purchase goods and services. The content curated by Monnalisa is credible, correct, verified, reliable and written by experts, and aims to raise awareness and create social consciousness on innovative issues in the field of science, technology and culture.
The Campus offers courses and seminars on scientific writing, publishing (traditional and digital), scientific storytelling, content creation and the development and promotion on social media of scientific content. Available in one-day modules, workshops and longer courses.
Tales (Coming Soon)
Monnalisa Bytes have produced articles and translated these to in-print publications. They have a “Posterzine” mode (50×70 cm sheets folded into four A4) which are produced as limited-edition copies. Taking advantage of a “gentler” media such as paper, they allow for a different and complementary narrative when compared to that of digital outlets.
Lab (Coming Soon)
A community on our Discord channel that allows behind-the-scenes access to our editorial work, as well as having access to exclusive writing material and being involved before anyone else in the projects we are creating. A community that brings together future authors, scientists, creatives and like-minded people, generating a networking opportunity for those looking for new opportunities.
Live (Coming Soon)
The “Live” are evening speak-easy sessions on scientific issues, characterized by the unique flavor and method of Monnalisa. During the Live sessions, storytelling becomes the protagonist, the talking stick goes to the scientists, and Monnalisa produces a format where science and creativity merge to give the public a different method for talking about science. The Lives can also run as integrated modules within events, seminars and business meetings.
The image at the top is © Martina Ghezzi.